Making Conversation: How to Think Up Good Comments

Dear Lizzy, It’s so nice to read your piece. I’m personally touched by your candid confession that sometimes you’re lost in thought as to what to say, even so you’re undeterred. It’s certainly not peculiar to you. Truth is, our interest in other people’s blogs often leads to meaningful comments. We might mention a point of interest from a recent article read or share thoughts that we found helpful. Either way, it’s good to mention a point of mutual interest, and offer a sincere compliment.

The Daily Post

Here on The Daily Post, we’re always advising you to build blog relationships by leaving substantive comments on other people’s posts. That’s easy enough to say, but how do you think of more to say than “Great post!” when all you can think to say is, well, “Great post!”

I often have trouble coming up with things to say — both in blog commenting sections and at parties. Here are some questions I ask myself when I want to leave a comment on a post but find I’m at a loss for words: 

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2 thoughts on “Making Conversation: How to Think Up Good Comments

  1. I am not usually lost for words but finding the time to comment on every blog I would like to comment on, is difficult. I strive to visit my regular commenters regularly and try to visit a variety of my other followers at different times each week. If there is no time to comment, I think it is best to hit the Like button, rather than not doing anything. At least they know I support them and still enjoy reading their blog.

  2. Hi San, I can identify with you. It goes without saying we just can’t comment on every post that comes our way. This is where ‘like’ readily comes handy. Of course, even ‘like’ should be used with discretion so as not to give a flattery . Sometimes, silence is golden. Thanks for dropping bye.

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